Any person can in the body of established parasites. He noted the origins of the who, one of every two people in the year by infecting the worms. The sources of contamination are: sick people, animals. The parasites migrate to the legs of flies. A person can get through the damaged skin, the mucosa, swallowing the eggs of helminths, along with the water, the products and the dust.

Unfortunately, it does not immediately start to feel the presence in the body of parasites, and only then, when you have a lot of and begin clearly upset. So, how do you know if parasites in the human body, the symptoms and a lot of useful information following.
This is very important. Every person should know, for what reasons, we can determine the presence of parasites in the body.
As to determine the presence of parasites
When infected the worms at the initial stage, you can recognize their presence by a series of characteristic features. Therefore, when a timely recognition may prevent further spreading, in time and without errors to diagnose and perform the treatment.
You can observe its state, then it is not difficult to identify, how to tell if there are parasites in the human body, the symptoms of the infection of all the generals.
The presence of helminths in the body is governed by the following reasons:
- the appearance on the skin of the eczema, papillomas, hives, in the form of an allergic reaction;
- the presence of cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, that are impossible to treat with traditional methods;
- increase of the diseases of cold, as well as the presence of helminths reduces the immunity.
- at night, during sleep, which plays the gnashing of teeth.
- abdominal pain, pain in the joints;
- diarrhea, stomach bloating, or constipation, caused by the insufficient allocation of pancreatic juice and the bile, so it blocks the exit of long worms;
- the fragility of the nails;
- the precipitation and the dryness of the hair;
- paleness of skin;
- nausea and vomiting the intake of food;
- the headaches related to the constant poisoning;
- swelling of the hands and feet;
- the state increased the nervousness and the presence of a depressive state.

So as to know if there is in the body of the parasites in the home that may be by itself, it is worth noting that the diagnosis facilitates the fact that most of the signs are almost all members of the family, as well as the worms infect little by little almost all present in the house. When data are available for the signs should contact the clinic and, at least, in the first place to give the analysis to the eggs of the worm, as well as make an appointment with the doctor.
To detect the presence of helminth opisthorchiasis the child can, if early in the morning paste to anus clear tape. If there is an infection, the worm eggs can be detected in the adhesive surface.
This is very important. The precision of the analysis, must be overcome cal in the eggs of the worm through the day 3 times throughout the week.
The signs of the definition of helminths of the child in the house
Due to the lack of hygiene, are particularly vulnerable to the infection the worms to the children. But and in the manifestation of the infection of them has its own characteristics, in comparison with adults.
Expert pediatrician can recognize the presence of helminths for the following reasons:
- drooling-current at the time of the dream and of the conversation;
- the skin peeling in the centuries;
- frequent the whims of the child, and the desire to sleep a lot;
- the growing need of consumption of sweets;
- the itching in the anus;
- by brittle nails of the child and dry the hair;
- frequent colds.
In the manifestation of several of these signs, you can assert the presence of the invasion of the worms.
If you still have doubts and do not know how to know if there is in the body of the parasites, is the most basic of a symptom of infection is considered a violation of work of the intestinal tract.

They are parasites become habitats there. They feed off the nutrients of the consistency of the person of the food, the products of their secretions, poison the body, causing great harm. You can put the eggs in the thick and the thin intestines, liver, lungs, lymph nodes, heart and even the brain.
This is very important. It should not be forgotten that there is in the environment of the parasites, hygiene, and prevention.
What disorder in the body occur
Due to the long non-recognition of the parasites can experience a variety of complications and diseases:
- anemia;
- the delay in the development of children (physical and mental);
- inflammatory processes in the intestine, the gallbladder and ducts;
- the weakening of the immunity;
- the bronchitis and pneumonia;
- oncology;
- joint myalgia.
So, we have told how to know if there are parasites in the human body. The symptoms depend to a large extent of the invasion of the parasites of certain organs, the time of infection. Therefore, it is necessary to take this into account and perform a survey on the availability of the same.